Following the production of Deliverable D.T2.2.1 named “Training modules with materials & Training methodology” which is the cornerstone of Group of Activity 2 “Training program for modernisation of herb enterprises”, we are pleased to announce that HEGO e-learning portal is now available online.
You access the e-learning platform HERE (following registration)
The e-learning portal is hosted in the e-learning platform of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (PP2_AUTH) and gives the opportunity to more beneficiaries to use it and be trained properly about herb businesses after the Project and work as a multiplier.
It addresses all target groups’ training and information needs on issues like the modernization of cultivation, collection, production, promotion, marketing and trade of herbs. The training materila has been collected from the each Project country (Greece, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia) and is also used in parallel with the HEGO training program which is implemented in each partner country.