

Development Association of Halkidiki S.A.

Al. Papadiamanti 20,63100, Poligiros, Halkidiki, Greece

Tel. number: +30 23710 24407




The “Development Association of Halkidiki SA (LGA)” with the distinct title “ANETXA SA” is a public body anonymous company founded in 1992. The Headquarter offices of ANETXA SA are located in Poligiros, the capital city of Halikidiki.

Strategic Objectives:

  1. The design of the development strategy for Halkidiki, promoting national and community programs and the management of projects funded by national and Community resources.
  2. To assist and promote local development initiatives and innovations. The development of local human resources.
  3. To undertake and draw up a development content of studies on behalf of those from private, public and social sectors.
  4. The operation of the Business Park of Zervochoria (N.3982 / 2011) on Platanochoriou of M.D. Marathousa the Municipality of Polygyros.
  5. The promotion of endogenous development, with particular emphasis on local development of rural areas.


Technical support for Institutions

Beneficiaries in the region of Halkidiki, which needs support for the effective preparation and implementa­tion of their projects:

  1. Municipalities and other local entities of the Public Administration
  2. Representative unions of the private sector
  3. Co-operatives
  4. Cultural, social and environmental institutions and bodies


  • Consulting support
  • Administrative support
  • Technical support

At all stages of the project life (of the maturing of the stud­ies, tender documentation, monitoring and the closure of the project).

Other supportive activities:

Moreover, ANETXA SA acts a local facilitator for cooperation and networking through actions for:

  • The promotion of Networking and know-how transfer
  • The organization of Conferences, meetings, workshops and best-practice showcases
  • The participation in Associations, Networks etc

ANETXA SA is a member of:

  • The Cluster of Enterprises of Halkidiki
  • The Center for Environmental Upgrade of Anti-pollutant units of Halkidiki (KEPAMAH SA)
  • HELADA – The Greek Association of Development Agencies
  • The Zervohoria Industrial Park

Studies, Reports

  • Drawing up of Operational Programs and Plans for Local and Regional Development
  • Sectoral Reports and studies (Tourism, Agri-food, Culture, consumer behavior etc)
  • Market Research
  • Environmental studies (Waste management and Recycling, Water and river basins’ management,
  • Feasibility and viability studies (for private businesses, Clusters, Networks etc)

The Strategic goals of ANETXA SA are: 1. To promote the entrepreneurial, economic and generally the sustainable development of the wider region 2. To provide scientific and technical support to Local Administration and other decentralized bodies 3. To implement environmental protection actions 4. To participate in programs or to implement inter regional cooperation Projects Furthermore, the operational objectives of the company are: 1. To design the strategic development of the Prefecture, to promote National of the E.U. Projects and to provide technical support in   the materialization of Projects funded by national and/or E.U. funds. 2. To assist and promote the local development initiatives and innovations, to develop the human capital and to provide high-quality social support and employment growth services. The enlargement of the local employment market and the exchange of information experiences, based on the modern technologies, so as to encourage communication between local entrepreneurs and the markets. 3. To assume and develop feasibility studies of developmental content on behalf of bodies of the private, public and the wider social sectors or within the framework of its general development initiatives. 4. To manage and operate the Zervohoria Industrial Park in Platanohori (Municipality of Poligiros), and to act in any way necessary to fulfil its goals. 5. To create the conditions for the continuous and integrated development of the area, based on the local forces and, in general, to promote the local growth a stress on the development of the rural areas. 6. To organize the Company in such a way so that it contributes effectively and permanently on the modernization and employment of the wider area. The Development Association of Halkidiki S.A specializes in providing technical and financial support of individuals and organizations (private and public) in developmental actions in the fields of: – Agricultural development – Small and Medium Enterprises (Investments market surveys etc.) – Tourism and cultural development – Protection and development of natural resources and environment – Protection and restoration of cultural heritage – Research and development of high-tech centers and promotion of new technologies. – Land use planning – International cooperation and activities for the period of 2007-2013, ANETXA SA among its other activities has implemented three large Local Development Programs in Halkidiki: 1. Acting as a Local Action Group (LAG) in Halkidiki for the Axis 4 (LEADER approach) of the RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2007-2013 (RDP) 2. Acting as an Intermediate Managing Agency (IMA) for the OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME “FISHERIES 2007-2013” 3. Acting as local antenna for the implementation of Axis 3 of THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2007-2013 (RDP) in Halkidiki The total budget of the above reached 23,3 million Euros, while ANETXA SA has been evaluated as one of

The “Development Association of Halkidiki SA (LGA)” with the distinct title “ANETXA SA” is a public body anonymous company founded in 1992. The Headquarter offices of ANETXA SA are located in Poligiros, the capital city of Halikidiki.

Strategic Objectives:

  1. The design of the development strategy for Halkidiki, promoting national and community programs and the management of projects funded by national and Community resources.
  2. To assist and promote local development initiatives and innovations. The development of local human resources.
  3. To undertake and draw up a development content of studies on behalf of those from private, public and social sectors.
  4. The operation of the Business Park of Zervochoria (N.3982 / 2011) on Platanochoriou of M.D. Marathousa the Municipality of Polygyros.
  5. The promotion of endogenous development, with particular emphasis on local development of rural areas.


Technical support for Institutions

Beneficiaries in the region of Halkidiki, which needs support for the effective preparation and implementa­tion of their projects:

  1. Municipalities and other local entities of the Public Administration
  2. Representative unions of the private sector
  3. Co-operatives
  4. Cultural, social and environmental institutions and bodies


  • Consulting support
  • Administrative support
  • Technical support

At all stages of the project life (of the maturing of the stud­ies, tender documentation, monitoring and the closure of the project).

Other supportive activities:

Moreover, ANETXA SA acts a local facilitator for cooperation and networking through actions for:

  • The promotion of Networking and know-how transfer
  • The organization of Conferences, meetings, workshops and best-practice showcases
  • The participation in Associations, Networks etc

ANETXA SA is a member of:

  • The Cluster of Enterprises of Halkidiki
  • The Center for Environmental Upgrade of Anti-pollutant units of Halkidiki (KEPAMAH SA)
  • HELADA – The Greek Association of Development Agencies
  • The Zervohoria Industrial Park

Studies, Reports

  • Drawing up of Operational Programs and Plans for Local and Regional Development
  • Sectoral Reports and studies (Tourism, Agri-food, Culture, consumer behavior etc)
  • Market Research
  • Environmental studies (Waste management and Recycling, Water and river basins’ management,
  • Feasibility and viability studies (for private businesses, Clusters, Networks etc)

The Strategic goals of ANETXA SA are: 1. To promote the entrepreneurial, economic and generally the sustainable development of the wider region 2. To provide scientific and technical support to Local Administration and other decentralized bodies 3. To implement environmental protection actions 4. To participate in programs or to implement inter regional cooperation Projects Furthermore, the operational objectives of the company are: 1. To design the strategic development of the Prefecture, to promote National of the E.U. Projects and to provide technical support in   the materialization of Projects funded by national and/or E.U. funds. 2. To assist and promote the local development initiatives and innovations, to develop the human capital and to provide high-quality social support and employment growth services. The enlargement of the local employment market and the exchange of information experiences, based on the modern technologies, so as to encourage communication between local entrepreneurs and the markets. 3. To assume and develop feasibility studies of developmental content on behalf of bodies of the private, public and the wider social sectors or within the framework of its general development initiatives. 4. To manage and operate the Zervohoria Industrial Park in Platanohori (Municipality of Poligiros), and to act in any way necessary to fulfil its goals. 5. To create the conditions for the continuous and integrated development of the area, based on the local forces and, in general, to promote the local growth a stress on the development of the rural areas. 6. To organize the Company in such a way so that it contributes effectively and permanently on the modernization and employment of the wider area. The Development Association of Halkidiki S.A specializes in providing technical and financial support of individuals and organizations (private and public) in developmental actions in the fields of: – Agricultural development – Small and Medium Enterprises (Investments market surveys etc.) – Tourism and cultural development – Protection and development of natural resources and environment – Protection and restoration of cultural heritage – Research and development of high-tech centers and promotion of new technologies. – Land use planning – International cooperation and activities for the period of 2007-2013, ANETXA SA among its other activities has implemented three large Local Development Programs in Halkidiki: 1. Acting as a Local Action Group (LAG) in Halkidiki for the Axis 4 (LEADER approach) of the RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2007-2013 (RDP) 2. Acting as an Intermediate Managing Agency (IMA) for the OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME “FISHERIES 2007-2013” 3. Acting as local antenna for the implementation of Axis 3 of THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2007-2013 (RDP) in Halkidiki The total budget of the above reached 23,3 million Euros, while ANETXA SA has been evaluated as one of the first LAGs in Greece in Fund absorption rates.

the first LAGs in Greece in Fund absorption rates.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

School of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology Unit (Rural-Lab)
University Campus
Telephone number: +30 2310 998828 (e-mail:

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the largest university in Greece. The main campus is located in the centre of the city of Thessaloniki, and covers an area of about 33.4 hectares. It comprises 10 faculties which consist of 40 schools and 1 single-School Faculty. Some educational and administrative facilities are located off campus for practical and operational reasons. A number of these facilities are located outside the city of Thessaloniki or even in other cities. About 88.283 students study at the Aristotle University, 77.198 in undergraduate programmes and 6.588 in postgraduate programmes. There are also 3.952 at Doctoral level). There are 1.682 faculty members. There are also 311 members of the Special Laboratory Teaching Personnel (S.L.T.P.).
Faculty members are also assisted by 144 members of the Special Technical Laboratory Personnel (S.T.L.P.). The administration office consists of 278 permanent employees and 256 employees under a private law contract of indefinite duration. 


The facilities of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki are located in the main campus and in the area of Thermi. Some educational and administrative facilities are located off campus for practical and operational reasons. A number of these facilities are located outside the city of Thessaloniki or even in other cities.
The main campus is located in the centre of the city of Thessaloniki, and covers an area of about 33.4 hectares. The School of Visual and Applied Arts and the School of Music Studies of the Faculty of Fine Arts, as well as the School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences are housed in facilities located in Thermi which cover about 21.3 hectares. The School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences (in Serres) is located in the area of Agios Ioannis, whereas the School of Urban-Regional Planning and Development Engineering is located in Veroia.

Some of the facilities off campus are:

  • the clinics of the School of Veterinary Medicine (located near the new railway station, in 11 Stavrou Voutira str.)
  • the university farm (it covers an area of 188.57 hectares and it is located near “Macedonia” Airport, 12km from the city centre)
  • the facilities of the Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment located in Foinikas, Thessaloniki, where the Wildlife Museum and the Forest Botanic Garden are housed
  • the archaeological excavations [in Vergina, Dion, Pella, Philippoi (Kavala), Karabournaki, and Toumba (Thessaloniki)]
  • the Centre for Byzantine Research (in 36 Vas. Olgas str.)
  • the Teloglion Foundation of Art (in 159A Agiou Dimitriou str.) and the Seismological Station (in 43 Vizoukidis str., in the area of 40 Ekklisies)
  • the Mount Olympus Meteorological Stations
  • the University camp of Kalandra and
  • the University Forest Reserves in Pertouli, on the Pindos mountain range, and in Taxiarchis, located in Vrasta (Chalkidiki),
    which serve the research and practice needs of the students of the Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment.
     AUTH in the World

AUTh is the largest University in Greece covering all disciplines. It is widely recognized as a vibrant center of learning which draws its inspiration from a long tradition of academic achievement. This can be supported, among other factors, by the fact that so much in science, as in the arts and divinity, medicine and technology, it prides itself in its international role. Most of its academic personnel have been trained in reputable Universities in Europe, the United States and as far afield as Australia and Japan. The University has been actively participating in the Erasmus Programme since 1987, accounting approximately one fourth of the total Erasmus mobility in Greece in the frame of Student for Studies Mobilities as well as Staff for Teaching Mobilities.

Nevertheless, mindful of rapid change and progress, we aim to improve our strategy, policies and everyday practices, in order to meet contemporary local and global demands. By assessing our experience, we have been able to determine our strengths and weaknesses, and we have adopted a holistic internationalization strategy, the main objectives of which can be briefly described as follows:

  • Strengthen our role in the European and international knowledge community by building upon collective and personal academic achievements.
  • Enhance our visibility among the traditionally prestigious academic institutions all over the world, by establishing long-term cooperation schemes at research, education and training level.
  • Reinforce our traditional presence as leading education and research institution in Southeastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean, by building focused strategic partnerships in the area.
  • Play a decisive role in academic exchange, good practices dissemination, and knowledge diffusion.
  • Support multicultural co-existence, social and cultural cohesion, and promote sustainable regional development.
  • Make multilateral, rather than unilateral approach, a core aspect of our work in education, research and administrative level.
  • Make our graduates able to think and act across traditional academic boundaries and across national borders. Properly equip them so that they may benefit from international knowledge and experience and support national and local dynamic development.
  • Take into consideration global market demands and adjust respectively our educational policies.
  • Enhance our cooperation with commercial enterprises abroad in terms of internship offers in order to improve our students’ international employability.
  • Enhance and reinforce our relation with Greek society.

The Department of International Relations and the Department of European Educational Programmes are responsible for enhancing, organizing and maintaining good relations between the Aristotle University and the international academic community, as well as for promoting the university abroad, with the aim to reinforce cooperation and communication in the field of teaching and research. The above goals are met by participating in International Organizations, Unions and University Networks, coordinating and implementing Bilateral Agreements between the AUTh and universities all over the world, as well as by implementing the European Policy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki through the Erasmus+ programme and various other European Educational Programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+ International etc.). The UNESCO Chair on Education for Human Rights, Democracy and Peace, the UNESCO Chair and International Network of Water-Environment Centers for the Balkans, the UNESCO C2c Center for Integrated Water Resources Management and the “Iason” Programme play an integral role in continually advancing the prestige of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.



In addition, the entity is involved in several Horizon, Erasmus+, Tempus, Prima projects and various educational and training activities in international and EU level. Among the highest active faculties of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the Department of Agricultural Economics of School of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Scienses. The Department of Agricultural Economics demonstrates significant experience in multidiscipline research areas. In addition, the department has participated/coordinated in several FP5, FP6, Horizon 2020, Prima, Erasmus+ and Tempus projects and has organized workshops, international conferences, educational and training activities.

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